Scale and Cleaning

Scale and Cleaning

Scaling and polishing is a procedure done to remove the plaque and calcified deposits from your teeth. Over time, when plaque builds up and calcifies, it is called calculus. This calculus cannot be removed by brushing. Therefore, we use a special type of equipment called ultra-sonic scaler, to scale off these deposits. The machine works by loosening these calcified deposits from your teeth. After scaling is done, we then go ahead and polish your teeth using a special polishing brush that is attached to the dental chair. Polishing the teeth after the scaling is essential because it will ensure that stains are removed and it will also give your teeth a nice shine.

You should have scaling and polishing done every 6 months in order to prevent you from having severe gum disease, which can cause you to lose your teeth if untreated.

Scaling and polishing your teeth aims to remove the plaque and calculus to reduce the amount of inflammation, and in conjunction with your cleaning at home to prevent and control gum disease.

Gum Disease

Gum disease starts as gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) which is characterised by red, puffy bleeding gums. If this progresses then you may develop periodontitis. This is characterised by the destruction of the bone and underlying structures supporting your teeth.


Periodontitis refers to inflammation of the periodontium. The periodontium is the tooth supporting structures which includes the gums, the bone and the periodontal ligaments. Any of these structures can be diseased and undergo an inflammatory process which ultimately leads to abnormal mobility of your teeth. When this happens, you may lose your teeth spontaneously.


Both periodontitis and gum disease are treated by scaling and polishing, which removes the plaque buildup and calculus. This procedure effectively reduces the inflammation and other symptoms associated with both diseases. After the scaling and polishing, you will need to maintain good oral hygiene practices which will prevent the buildup of plaque and calculus. We may need to perform gum surgery in severe forms of periodontal disease. The surgery helps to rebuild and heal the diseased support structures of your teeth.

You have to keep your regular dental check- up appointments, once every 6 months, so that we can monitor your oral hygiene and advise on whether we need to do a scale and polish.

Call North Road Dental Clinic so we may assess your gum health and provide you with advice as best to maintain good gum health.