Preventative Treatments
Dental Sealants
Even with adequate levels of fluoride strengthening teeth, every groove and pit in your enamel is still at risk of tooth decay. This is because bacteria can build-up in these difficult-to-clean areas and will release acids that break down the enamel over time.
Dental sealants are a cost-effective method of stopping tooth decay before it starts. Advisable at all ages, these thin coatings create a protective barrier for the chewing surfaces of tooth. There are multiple types of sealant available (including fissure sealants or glass ionomer preventative sealants) but your dentist will be able to recommend the best product for your individual circumstances.
Managing Bruxism
Bruxism is a condition characterised by excessive tooth grinding and clenching. Most people will suffer from bruxism at some stage of their life, but it will frequently go unnoticed because it occurs during sleep. The result is that people will not seek treatment until the teeth have already become worn or cracked.
It is important to check your mouth routinely for signs of tooth damage. The symptoms of bruxism will become more severe over time and are often ignored or misdiagnosed in the earlier stages. However, it is important to visit your dentist if you notice:
- The corners of your front teeth becoming increasingly square, biting surfaces becoming more flat
- Pain in the facial muscles or jaw and increased frequency of headaches. Increased sensitivity to cold fluids
Managing Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is a term used for damage to the joint that connects the lower jaw and temporal bone. It is a very common condition because it can be caused by everyday habits such as chewing gum, fingernail biting, teeth grinding, clenching and some occupational tasks.
The symptoms of TMJ disorder will generally cause discomfort and prompt sufferers to seek treatment. Not only will it restrict jaw movement, but it can also affect the surrounding areas and cause pain in the face, neck, shoulders, joints and mouth. Treatment for TMJ disorder can take up to several months, so it is advisable to begin as soon as possible.
Strengthening Hairline Fractures
Cracks form as a result of the pressure caused by the biting motion of teeth. Initially this pressure creates tiny hairline fractures, but over time these spread across the surfaces and/or down to the root. In severe cases, the vertical growth of the fracture can result in damage to the root, and even damage to the nerve, which will require tooth extraction if left untreated for a prolonged period.
Sometimes these hairline fractures and cracks are visible, but often the most obvious sign is heighted tooth sensitivity. These cracks get progressively worse and more painful, so it is important to seek treatment before they can spread.
Restorative Treatments
Root Canal Therapy
If a dental condition has been left untreated for a prolonged period of time, the nerves below the tooth surface (known as pulp) can be infected and killed. At this stage, the damage is severe and often accompanied by pain, sensitivity to temperatures, loose teeth, gum swelling and pus. If treatment is delayed further, the infection can even spread to the surrounding tissue or damage the jaw bone.
Root canal therapy can save a tooth from needing to be extracted, by removing the dead pulp and protecting the tooth from future damage. Using specialist equipment, the complex procedure has a high success rate of leaving the tooth canals sterilised and relieving the stress on the patient.
Our reliance on our teeth for everyday essential tasks puts them at risk of decay, cracks, fractures and trauma. While tooth deterioration is inevitable for most of us, we will require less complex dental restorations the earlier the condition is identified. Where cracks and bumps are small, it may be enough to have a filling, which will replace the damaged enamel to create a protective seal.
Advances in dentistry means that there are a range of materials that fillings can be made from, which offer different properties to suit on your individual circumstances. Natural-looking fillings can also be offered as affordable prices without sacrificing durability. The result is reassurance that the dental condition is contained and the damage completely hidden.
Crowns and Bridges
If enamel or an entire tooth is missing, it isn’t enough to simply contain the damage that has been caused. Gaps and defects change the alignment of the teeth and put us at greater risk of having dental complications in the future. This is why it is recommended to consider reconstructive treatment options to improve your oral health.
Crowns and bridgework are a common solution to mis-shapen or extracted teeth. Crowns are cap-like structures that fit over damaged teeth to restore their shape and improve their strength, biting function and aesthetics. Often crowns will also be used to assist the bonding of one or more false teeth (a bridge) to the neighbouring natural ones. Treatment details vary based on your individual circumstances, so speak to your dentist for further information.
We are taught from a young age the importance of cleaning our teeth, but we often forget the importance of healthy gums. This neglect can cause major dental complications as food can get trapped along the gum line, leading to a build-up of bacteria that is difficult to remove with brushing.
Gingivectomy is a specialist procedure that reshapes the gum tissue. It is mostly used to prevent food coagulating around the gum line, but can also treat mis-shapen tissue that can lead to self-consciousness, eating complications and speaking difficulty. The simple procedure has numerous advantages that are both aesthetic and functional, including an end to bleeding gums, reducing gums to normal size and improving your smile.
It’s difficult to imagine what life would be like without our teeth, which is why it is distressing when we begin to lose them. When teeth are missing, the mouth can feel strange and the alignment of the remaining teeth begins to change. The effect is that exposed gaps and new tilts will increase the risk of tooth decay and may even result in the facial muscles becoming saggy, leading to impaired speech in severe circumstances.
Dentures are an effective way to restore the look and feel of your teeth. Whether you are requiring a partial denture for missing teeth or a full denture, these comfortable restorations can clip onto natural teeth or implants for stable and aesthetically-pleasing results.
Inlays and Onlays
Regardless of how well we look after our teeth, most of us will require dental surgery at some point in our lives. Where there is minor damage to tooth enamel inlays and onlays are often recommended as an alternative to fillings or crown because they preserve a great deal of the natural tooth. Further to this, these restorations are increasing in popularity as they are highly resistant, are difficult to stain and do not discolor over time.
Whether you require an inlay or onlay will depend on the severity and type of tooth damage you have. Both fit tightly within the grooves of damaged teeth; inlays bonds between the cusps of teeth while onlays wrap over the tips of cusps. Regardless of which are used, the results are a highly effective method of preventing bacteria creating further dental complications.
Cosmetic Treatments
Tooth Whitening
Teeth will inevitably change colour with age. Together with the effects of diet and lifestyle, over time they will appear stained, darkened or yellow, taking people further and further away from their ideal smile.
Advances in whitening technology have made healthier-looking teeth a possibility for the masses rather than the elite. The procedure is quick and easy, and the benefits of having a whitening treatment can last up to 3 years (depending on the individual).
Porcelain Veneers
Veneers are not just for those with severely damaged teeth. These crafted shells of porcelain mimic the natural teeth and provide a durable solution to mis-shaped, poorly aligned and/or discolored teeth. Whether you want to correct small defects or have the complete Hollywood effect, the result is a new, long-lasting smile.
Porcelain Crowns
If your teeth have been chipped, broken or have been affected by tooth decay, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Crowns are popular restorations for those this with these dental complications, as they securely cap over the biting surfaces to protect the teeth and improve their shape.
A porcelain crown can offer you a natural-looking solution without sacrificing strength or resilience. Crafted by dental technologists using advanced technology, in most cases porcelain crowns will actually improve the appearance of your teeth.
Dental Implants
A missing tooth can do more than affect your confidence – over time it will also affect the alignment of teeth and increase your risk of developing a dental condition. This is why implants are used to fill any gaps left from tooth loss or extraction.
By choosing a dental implant, you will have the assurance that the treatment will leave your teeth looking and feeling authentic. These replacement teeth are created to match your natural teeth and are held in place using a titanium screw and act as if you had your own tooth back again.